Zhuhai Jin Zhiwei

Insurance industry solutions

In 2021, the Central Bank promulgated the Fintech Development Plan (2022-2025).,Insurance industry is one of the important industries in the financial field,We are gradually improving our ability to support science and technology,Empower services through technology,Improve business development and operation management efficiency,Improve the level of innovation in core competencies,Accelerate the iteration of channels, products, services, risk control, ecology, etc,Rebuild core competitive advantage,Achieve high-quality development。Jinzhiwei Insurance digital employee solutions can effectively reduce operating costs, improve business efficiency, and help insurance companies achieve their strategic goals of digital transformation。

Improve work efficiency
7×24×365 24/7 efficient execution of work tasks
Reduce human risk
The risk of human error is reduced to 0%
Stable, safe and controllable
Supports manual takeover and business process audit
Precipitate business knowledge
Precipitate standard business flow and rule logic

Overview of Insurance digital employee solutions

Case scenario

Fund management
The asset management business involves the fund general Department, registration Department, Central Taiwan, accounting and other departments,Business personnel need to extract business data and financial data from different systems in various departments and check them with financial data,This operation involves multiple departments and multiple systems,In the process of asset management verification, it is easy to have human misoperation,At the same time, to ensure the accuracy and real-time of asset management monitoring,You need to query and verify data several times a day。
RPA implementation process:

Relevant case

No Data

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Secure the top spot

China RPA+AI solution market share


Common choice of large government and enterprise digital transformation


An operational digital workforce has been deployed across the industry
Contact us for an effective digital automation solution for your business processes
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